Our mission


Chartered by the SC General Assembly in 2018 …

“which shall have the authority and responsibility to plan and execute, insofar as authorized and funded by the General Assembly, a proper observance of the Sestercentennial of the American Revolution in South Carolina, and in cooperation with the South Carolina Battleground Preservation Trust; a national organization, if any; and other similar commemorative organizations in other states. This proper observance of the Sestercentennial must include the role of persons of African-American descent in the Revolutionary War.”


To celebrate and promote South Carolina’s role in the American Revolution by connecting you with speakers who inform, inspire, and engage.

South Carolina American Revolution
Sestercentennial Commission

8301 Parklane Rd, Columbia, SC 29223

Phone: 803-898-3392

Email: [email protected]

©2024 South Carolina 250

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