How it works

Organizations all over South Carolina use our database to find speakers, presenters, and more to come to their events.

Most speakers are paid a small fee for their efforts and SC History Speaks helps collect, manage, and disburse those fees.

Here’s how it works:

  • Fill out your information on the speaker registration form.
  • Include a title of your program(s) and no more than three sentences describing the/each presentation.
  • SC History Speaks will contact you if an organization requests your program and SC History Speaks will provide to you details submitted by the booking organization.
  • You will contact the organization to mutually agree on the event and also agree on:
    • fee, (a minimum of $124)
    • calculated round-trip miles to venue using Google Maps
    • determine if there is a meal charge, (usually $20)
    • submit the estimated total fee to SC History Speaks and confirm the booking.

SC History Speaks collects a 20% fee from the presentation fee and after the event, SC History Speaks will pay you your portion of the speaking fee. Without commission, you will also receive  your mileage reimbursement and your meal allowance if applicable. (If a meal is provided or is not necessary, there should be no meal allowance.) A 20% commission is considered low in the speaking business and is used to allow SC History Speaks to be self-sustaining.

After your program, your booking organization will be requested to complete an evaluation of your performance which will be detailed on your directory listing so prospective booking organizations can benefit from prior bookings.

South Carolina American Revolution
Sestercentennial Commission

8301 Parklane Rd, Columbia, SC 29223

Phone: 803-898-3392

Email: [email protected]

©2024 South Carolina 250

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